After a whirlwind visit to Savannah, we piled in the car for a road trip to Atlanta. Girls Trip Georgia continues! About a four hour drive from Savannah, Atlanta was the final stop of Jenny’s birthday celebration. Have a day or two to explore ATL? Here are a few ideas to get you started.

The Dream Lives On
There are few leaders as legendary and great as MLK Jr. One way to honor his legacy is with a visit to the Martin Luther King, Jr. National Historical Park.

This historical district, which spans a few blocks in Atlanta, highlights the life and contributions of one of our most prolific leaders. Stop by the house where MLK was born, take a stroll through the Civil Rights Walk of Fame and the World Peace Rose Garden. Explore the museum spaces, highlighting MLK’s impact on the Civil Rights Era and beyond.

The Legacy Continues

Taking a moment to sit in a pew at Ebenezer Baptist Church, with the hauntingly beautiful voice of Mahalia Jackson wafting through the sanctuary, I can’t help but think about MLK as a boy, sitting in a pew with his parents. Preaching as a young man; just steps from the home where he was born. Later becoming a voice that would touch the whole world.

It’s humbling. I feel a bit melancholy, as I often do when I think about leaders we’ve lost too soon. Moving through these sacred spaces, I also find some peace and joy. As I watch children with their parents, sharing in this important history. Colorful t-shirts announcing various family reunions fill these spaces; generations visiting this space as part of their own celebrations.

Part of the National Park system, the MLK Historical Park is free and open to the public. Chances are good that if you visit on a weekend (as we did), it may be crowded. That said, there are many spaces spread out through various buildings. Find your quiet moments where you can.

Rich Bites at Poor Calvin’s
Poor Calvin’s has swag. Asia meets Atlanta. From the outdoor patio through the bar and dining space, people enjoy Southern-infused Asian dishes, trendy cocktails and animated conversations.

Poor Calvin’s is a great spot for a cute date, birthday dinner or Saturday night drink with friends. And that crispy beef was so good, I would fly back to Atlanta just for another bite. Be sure to save room for dessert- it’s as pretty as it is yummy.

From MLK to UGK
For a different museum experience, check out the Trap Music Museum– a curated art space that highlights the music and culture of the hip-hop South.

The afternoon we visited, the line to get into the museum was down the block. I was a little surprised, but not completely. Word on the street is if you visit on Saturday nights, you are bound to see artists, as they visit often. Nights are also reserved for adults only, after 8pm.

While I’m a Cali girl to the heart, I’ve always been a fan of trap music. I like to keep a good balance. Fancy cheese and wine meets Jeezy- that’s my happy place. Versatility is key, people. This collection of art installations and exhibits serves as an unflinchingly honest portrayal of communities all over the country- many hit hard by drugs, poverty and inequity- and the art that is born of that struggle.
Biscuits and Booze
Weekend brunch is an event in many places; Atlanta is no exception. On my last trip to Atlanta, Jovan took KT and I to brunch at The Lawrence. I’m still deliciously haunted by the red velvet waffles from that brunch. When they didn’t have a reservation available for Girls Trip Georgia, I stumbled upon South City Kitchen. One look at the menu and Jenny gave it the thumbs up. Bustling with Sunday Funday energy, South City Kitchen in Midtown serves up great cocktails (try the Country Thyme Lemonade), amazingly cheesy grits and light as a cloud waffles.

Girls Trip Georgia… it’s a wrap!
Sadly, our Cali/Jersey reunion had to come to an end. 🙁 Like most girls trips, time flew by and it was over in what felt like an instant. The good news? We discovered some amazing food, vibrant art and left with promises to do it all again, sooner than later. Soo, ladies- where to next??
Gimme a (Summer) Break

So every year around this time, I get nostalgic about being a kid on summer vacation. No homework, no job, no responsibilities- just uninterrupted play time, cartoons and homemade sugar cookies. Damn, I had it good. While I can’t take August off work (unfortunately), or watch cartoons all day- I am going to take a brief vacation from posting for the month of August. I’m excited to spend some time implementing my takeaways from TravelCon, and figuring out some Brown Lady business, so I’m ready to hit the ground running in September. I hope you take some time this summer as well to rest, relax and reflect. Life moves so quickly, we need to make time to breathe and enjoy it. Wishing you lazy afternoons in the sun, laughter, time with family and friends, and whatever else your heart desires.
See you in the Fall!
Yes! So good. That brunch! To die for. Poor Calvin’s. Amazing.