Perfect Bites, Shopping, United States

Two Days in Tucson

Work has taken me to Tucson a couple times in the past few months.  On my first trip, I was enamored with the tall, ‘Gumby shaped’ cacti and waterfalls around the tranquil Loews Ventana Canyon Resort, a vastly different landscape than the coastal beaches I grew up near.  On this quick two days in Tucson, I discovered a number of things that made my work trip more enjoyable.

Desert to Downtown

From the peaceful Sonoran desert to neighborhoods across the city, each trip has taken me through different areas- on my most recent trip spending most of my time in South Tucson.  Not really a tourist neighborhood, South Tucson has real people living real lives- which can be a welcome slice of normalcy, in an unfamiliar place.  If you ever find yourself in Tucson, for work or play, here are a few things to explore.

The Real McCoy

After a stretch of work travel from DC to Salt Lake City and Sacramento, I had become pretty weary of standard hotel rooms.  Sterile white walls.  Uninspired framed art.  Empty drawers and ice buckets.  Generically friendly water conservation signs. Bo-ring.  Looking for a central location for this trip to Tucson, I stumbled upon Hotel McCoy.  

two days in Tucson

I was intrigued- but also a little skeptical.  At a substantially lower price point than the last two properties I’d stayed at in Tucson, I wondered- what’s the catch?  The vibrant colors, great reviews and the name: Hotel McCoy – Art, Coffee, Beer, Wine convinced me to give it a try.  What I found at this relatively new property (opened in Fall 2018) made me glad I took a chance on the unknown.  Amazing art throughout, a complimentary glass of wine (or beer) to welcome you, friendly staff and a refreshing motto of “Travel for All”, Hotel McCoy is onto something.

While Hotel McCoy has all the standard amenities I’ve come to expect- good bed and linens, fluffy towels, free WiFi and parking. The space is also bursting at the seams with original details and undeniable swag.

Take a stroll through the brilliantly refurbished motel property. You’ll be greeted by one amazing art piece after another- all by local artists.  If you fall in love with a piece in your room, this art hotel will happily sell it to you- with the full commission going straight to the local artist.  Dope.

Aren’t sold yet? Check out the game room. Who doesn’t love Rock Em Sock Em Robots and Candyland?

Check out the Zen zone, an oasis just steps from the highway and the promise of a sauna ‘coming soon’ to accompany the brightly decorated pool space.  This little gem tucked away near the highway, just a five minute drive from downtown, is a great alternative to an overpriced chain hotel.

From Toast to Tacos

Cup Cafe

If you are a fan of French toast, or brunch in general, stop by Cup Cafe in the historic Hotel Congress.  My Brioche French toast and black pepper bacon were fantastic.  I’d love to buy packages of that bacon. It’s probably best I don’t live anywhere nearby.  I (barely) controlled the urge to ask where I could get the bacon in California.

Seated at the best (worst) space in the cafe- directly in front of the slowly rotating, glass dessert display- I watched servers go to that display case about ten times while I enjoyed my French toast.  Much respect to all the people eating peanut butter cheesecake and chocolate mousse at 11:30am.  You are my heroes.  I made it out without dessert for breakfast. However, I stopped by the next day for a piece of carrot cake on my way to the airport.  My willpower wore off (deep sigh*).

Diablo Burger

Just across the street from Hotel Congress, if you’re craving a burger, stop by Diablo Burger for a creative take on a classic burger, great fries and homemade sauces, including their own ketchup!  Be sure to try the coffee BBQ sauce to add a little kick.


On the run to grab breakfast nearby between meetings, I stopped into Nook.  If the perfect egg and bacon sandwich and cute decor are any indication- I bet brunch is an event at Nook.  It’s on my list for a sit-down visit on my next trip.

Taqueria Pico de Gallo

Chatting with a local as we wrapped up a meeting, she mentioned that her favorite taqueria was near my hotel.  I have a confession.  Born and raised in San Francisco, I am a Mexican food snob.  Salsa should not come in a jar- ever.  It’s rare for me to eat Mexican food outside of the Mission district (unless I’m in Mexico).  However, with Tucson’s close proximity to the border, I felt like I could trust the tacos @ Taqueria Pico De Gallo.  Best.decision.ever. 

Pulling into the parking lot made me think of my favorite taqueria on the corner of 18th and Valencia in San Francisco. No frills, all about food.  After ordering my three tacos and half order of guacamole to-go, I watched plates go by to tables around me and knew I was in good hands.

I could have easily shared my $9 dinner. There was no way I was going to make it through the tacos or the guacamole alone.  A word of caution, you may need an intervention to step away from the guacamole at Taqueria Pico De Gallo.  It’s no joke.  Easily some of the best I’ve ever had in my life. And I’ve done the research.  It broke my heart to leave any of it behind.  Any trip to Tucson from here on out will involve a trip to this taqueria.

Whistle While You Work

For those who find themselves in Tucson for work, check out these spots if you’re looking for a place to work and grab a cup of coffee or quick bite in a nice environment.

Cafe Passé

On historic Fourth Avenue, Cafe Passé is in a walkable, shopping area with a hippie chic vibe.  The area reminds me a lot of Berkeley, complete with street musicians and their dogs.

Be sure to take a break from work to stretch your legs and browse the nearby shops.  Boutiques with hand-woven, brightly colored Mexican blankets, dream jars and beautiful pottery alongside clothing stores with unique, local finds. 

I was super excited about the leggings covered with colorful cacti I found at Razorz Edge.  What better souvenir from my time in the desert than comfy cactus pants??

Presta Coffee Roasters

Located in Mercado San Agustin Public Market, Presta Coffee Roasters is a great spot to post up and work on your laptop (or enjoy a nice lunch in the sunshine).

Both Seis Kitchen and Agustin Kitchen look like they’re worth a visit for lunch or dinner on my next trip. When I left Presta, Seis had a line out the door for lunch.

Pops of Color

My trip to Tucson was like an impromptu art crawl.  I love exploring street art in the places I visit. Murals and art pieces tell local stories in such a vibrant way and make otherwise unremarkable places special.  Across the street from Hotel Congress, I happened to turn around while waiting for the light and came upon an awesome piece.  I almost missed it, but noticed a group of people behind me looking up and turned around.  Turns out they were on a walking tour, a fortunate coincidence for me.  I joined their group just long enough to have my brief tourist moment.  Am I the only one that still can’t believe Prince is gone?? 🙁

Between the art and the perfect bites I found along the way, my two days in Tucson for work shaped up to be a breath of fresh air, complete with pops of color and artistic expression.  The wine at Hotel McCoy wasn’t bad either 😉

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